Load balancing is a critical aspect of EV charging that is often overlooked by many homeowners. It refers to distributing electrical power evenly between the appliances and devices that consume energy in your home, including your dedicated EV charger.
Overloading Risks
One primary reason load balancing should be considered when charging your electric vehicle (EV) at home is that it minimises the risk of overloading your electrical system. If too much electricity is consumed by your EV charger alone, it may cause a surge or trip to your circuit breaker. This can lead to an unexpected interruption in your charging session, leaving you with an undercharged or partially charged battery. It’s important to be aware of these potential risks to ensure a smooth charging experience.
If your EV is only capable of a 7kw charging rate, BYDs and some MG EVs, opting for a smart charger is a must in a home equipped with 3-phase power. If this is overlooked when the car is charging, there will be no more available energy on the 1-phase it is connected to. Suppose any other household items are running at the same time. In that case, there is a significant possibility you will trip your incoming main switch protection, causing power loss to your home.
Efficient Resource Management
Load balancing technology empowers your EV charger to communicate with other appliances in your home that consume electricity. This way, it can determine how much power is consumed in real time and adjust its charging rate accordingly. Thus, it helps manage the available resources efficiently, putting you in control to ensure adequate power is supplied to your EV without overloading your electrical system.
Cost Savings
Another benefit of load balancing is that it helps reduce the operating costs when charging your EV at home. Unlike traditional chargers that draw a set amount of energy, a load-balanced charger optimises your charging time and power use by consuming the most electricity when the grid is least congested (and cheaper). This optimises your energy usage while taking advantage of energy-saving opportunities that significantly reduce your power bills.
Smart Charging System
The best way to load balance your EV charger when charging your vehicle at home is by using a smart charging system. Smart charging systems are designed to optimise power usage by automatically adjusting the charging rate based on how much energy is being used by your home and other connected devices. It can also learn your preferred charging habits and schedule your charging sessions around them to avoid peak hours and take advantage of off-peak rates.
In conclusion, load balancing your EV charger when charging at home is crucial to efficient and cost-effective charging. Investing in a load-balanced system, which is a system that distributes power evenly among the devices in your home, is an excellent way to reduce the risk of overloading your electrical system, reduce your electricity bills, and optimise your charging experience. With the increasing number of EVs on the road, load balancing has become critical in reducing the overall energy demand. Therefore, as an EV owner, it is essential to consider load balancing when installing a dedicated EV charger at home.
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Interested in learning more about load balancing and what you should be considering when installing an EV charger for your home or business? We’re here to assist you on your journey to a greener future.
Electric Vehicle Charging Installations
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